September 2022 newsletter featured pic
America Succeeds Updates

America Succeeds Update: September 2022

September 2022 newsletter AS pic

September 2022 newsletter steph speaking pic

America Succeeds on tour!

Just kidding – no tour this year, but it certainly does feel like we’ve been on tour recently with all of the communities we’ve spoken with!

Including, but not limited to:

  • Career Connected Education – A Colorado Pathways Conference
  • Battelle for Kids – SOAR Network
  • Edmentum – Preparing Students for Next: Putting the “Career” in College and Career Readinesss
  • 2022 Annual Kansas SHRM State Conference
September 2022 newsletter conference list pic

And coming up, we’ll be heading to:

CompTIA & Durable Skills Association Event, Oct. 4 // DC

PIE Network Summit, Oct. 19-21 // NY

CBExchange, Oct. 18-21 // FL

Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Conference, Nov. 16-18 // IL

National Summit on Education, ExcelinEd, Nov. 16-18 // SLC

ACTe’s CareerTech Vision, Nov. 30-Dec 2, // NV

If you’re attending any of these upcoming events, we would love to see you! Please email Stephanie Short, VP of Partnerships, to coordinate.

#DurableSkills In the News

America Succeeds research was quoted this month in BBB news! In BBB Business Tip: How to assess soft skills before you make a hire, the author discusses the need for a soft skills assessment, and the urgency with which we need to be teaching, learning, and practicing durable skills.

Read more…

September 2022 newsletter DS in the news pic

September 2022 newsletter hiring new position pic

Is someone you know looking for work?

We are hiring!

We’re looking for the next up-and-coming leader to join our team as the Projects and Operations Coordinator. Are you early in your career and looking for opportunities to learn and grow? Want a role with more flexibility and an awesome team? Email your resume and cover letter to

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