We want to support you and your families as we continue to respond to the global challenge of COVID-19.

Free Remote Learning Opportunities & Information

With such an abundance of resources out there dedicated to learning from home, parents have access to plenty of support to ensure their children have opportunities to continue to learn and grow while schools remain closed during the COVID-19 outbreak. Sorting through the content can be a challenge so we wanted to share the following resources to help you and your children transition to remote learning.

Keep to a routine that emphasizes learning.

  • Work with your child(ren) to create a schedule
  • Encourage reading every day
  • Emphasize literacy and numeracy but remember learning should be fun
  • Limit tablets, phones, and TV during the day
  • Support child-led learning and give your child some autonomy

But that doesn’t mean the whole day has to be about replicating school.

  • Don’t expect children to work non-stop
  • Endorse regular movement breaks and make the most of outdoor space
  • Let your child get bored; that’s when creativity happens

Maintaining positive mental health is key.

  • Help facilitate opportunities for virtual connection with others
  • Prioritize your child’s well-being…and don’t forget your own
  • Bond with your child; quality time reinforces learning time
  • Praise children’s efforts and behavior, not their achievements

**Compiled from articles in The Guardian and EdWeek.

Still wondering how to support your child learning at home? Check out this helpful page from EdNavigator.

What other changes are happening with your state’s education system? Review your state’s actions as compiled by ExcelinEd.org.

General Education Providers and Resources

Khan Academy: World-renowned, non-profit, remote-learning platform for pre-K through high school students offering video tutorials, exercises, and software that will adapt to students’ needs. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the site had over 18 million users per month and that number has since doubled.

Brain POP: K-12 content across all subject areas, also available in Spanish

Crash Course: A comprehensive educational YouTube channel with videos on virtually every subject

Code Break: A new weekly webcast challenge to students of all coding abilities, even those without a computer

Edmentum: Free resources and webinars for how to support your students during school closures

Edmodo: Online learning platform that has a free subscription through the end of the year and a COVID-19 learning toolkit

Epic: Remote student access to over 40,000 books through June 30, 2020

Scholastic: offers worksheets, videos, and fun online learning challenges for pre-K through 8th-grade students

TNTP: List of online resources for remote learning and tips for educators and parents

Wide Open School: Curated and coordinated by the experts at Common Sense, Wide Open School is the result of a collaboration among leading publishers, nonprofits, and education and technology companies. It features a free collection of learning experiences and activities for kids, organized by grade band and subject. You will also find daily schedules with creative breaks and recommendations to keep kids engaged and exploring, one day (or one hour) at a time.

Education Resources by Subject


Free drawing lessons from famous artists


Liberty’s Kids YouTube Channel & IXL Social Studies interactive lessons


Zearn has digital K-5 math lessons with a free individual account


Former NASA engineer Mark Rober’s YouTube channel & Bill Nye, The Science Guy, on PBS


This site bills itself as the “ultimate STEM guide for kids.” Plus, here’s a list of engineering projects to do at home.

Disclaimer: these resources are not an endorsement of any content or curriculum.

We hope that you and your families stay safe and healthy during this trying time.