The Age of Agility has arrived, yet the U.S. is not well prepared to face the challenges and seize the opportunities it brings. To thrive in the future workforce, which is being drastically redefined by technological advances, workers will need to get comfortable with uncertainty, embrace flexibility, and reset expectations about the employer-employee relationship.
We are in the early stages of a rapidly accelerating revolution that will bring automation and artificial intelligence into sectors of the workforce that have, until now, been spared this latest wave of disruptive change. Millions of jobs are at short- or medium-term risk of disappearing. Many that don’t disappear will be so radically restructured as to be unrecognizable, with enormous implications for today’s workers.

Businesses, skills providers, nonprofits and governments at all levels have to find new ways to work together to ensure people are equipped to succeed in rapidly changing workplaces.” – Sean Thurman, Getting Smart